Marc Bolan - T-Rex Special Offer

Hand made prints of Marc Bolan - T-Rex

The overall size of the prints is 21x30 cm / 8 x 12 inch. The prints are hand made on real photographic paper (Resin Coated) in press photo quality. They are made full frame with some white around the actual image.

All 7 prints in a set are only US$ 150 in total INCLUDING shipping and handling.
Scroll down to see the sets.


Special Offer

Set 01A

Above: Bolan Special Offer Set 01A
Click on the thumbnails above to see bigger versions of the photos.

All 7 prints in a set are US$ 150 in total INCLUDING shipping and handling.

Reference number: Bolan special offer #01A

Order the set here:


Special Offer

Set 01B

Above: Bolan Special Offer Set 01B
Click on the thumbnails above to see bigger versions of the photos.

All 7 prints in a set are only US$ 150 in total INCLUDING shipping and handling.

Reference number: Bolan special offer #01B

Order the set here:


Special Offer

Set 01D

Above: Bolan Special Offer Set 01D
Click on the thumbnails above to see bigger versions of the photos.

All 7 prints in a set are only US$ 150 in total INCLUDING shipping and handling.

Reference number: Bolan special offer #01D

Order the set here:

To see all photos of Marc Bolan, T-Rex, Tyrannosaurus Rex click here

To see other Special Offers click here